Women’s Missionary Union (WMU)

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The Women’s Missionary Union is the Women Organization under the Baptist Women’s Union of Nigeria, Auxiliary to the Nigerian Baptist Convention. The organization has concern for the spiritual moral, mental physical development of married women, young women and children in our Churches. The Union’s desire is to encourage these groups to promote missions and its related activities at all levels and caring for people of different ages.

It is the desire of WMU that every child, girl and woman in the local Baptist Church enrol as a member of the appropriate group and be involved in the relevant activities. WMU provides spiritual and moral fellowship, to her members through these four organizations.

1. Sunbeam Band (SB) for Children of ages 4-9.
2. Girl’s Auxiliary (GA) for girls of ages 10-16.
3. Lydia Auxiliary for adults girls of ages 17 until marriage.
4. Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) for all married Women.


To obey our Lord’s command in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 as members are encouraged:-
1. To participate in private and public prayer
2. To conduct regular personal and corporate Bible study
3. To plan strategic and systemic giving
4. To engage in missions by praying, giving and going
5. To support Lagos East Baptist Conference in the growth of our Father’s kingdom.

It further promotes the attempt to build lives who will emulate the spirit of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ and promote Christian mission through WMU organizations and her fundamentals: Prayer, Bible and Mission study, Stewardship and service, Evangelism and Missions at home, Church and the society at large.